Every so often, someone we know is facing a big celebration or event and they need “something special” – but are coming up empty. And that panicked friend, knowing we’re the fun-loving schmucks that we are, asks us for help. No problem. Unbound by taste and appropriateness, we never fail to come up with something. And while you may not want the kids in the room to watch/read/listen to the results, we’ve yet to seriously damage a relationship – which is more than we can say for Andy Dick.
The following are excerpts from two examples of said nonsense.
The first, News On The March!, was created for a friend, who’s grandmother (Audrey) was turning 75. In the spirit of her times, we created a mock, old-style newsreel broadcast – incorrectly chronicling the major world events that occurred during her life – and inserting her directly into them.
The second, Celebrity Birthday Wishes, was created for a colleague. Our associate (John) was turning 50, so we decided to enlist a small cadre of V.I.P.s to each record a personalized birthday greeting for him. This required a lot of legwork on our part, as most of these celebrities were extremely hard to get to, including a few who’ve been dead for several years.