Hatred is everywhere and that’s disturbing. It’s ugly and it’s not to be ignored. But it can – and should – be laughed at.
We’re firm believers that when it comes to evil people and assholes, the best course of action is to mock them. It’s fun and it robs them of the importance they so desperately want and need.
And it’s for that reason that we occasionally browse neo-Nazi, Aryan Nation and other batshit-crazy white power websites.
One of our favorite sites actually had a children’s section(!) featuring all kinds of neat activities designed to take the boredom out of teaching your kids how to hate. Among their ideas was to have a ‘racialist poetry’ contest. That’s right! Turn your hatred of non-whites into free verse!
It just so happened that the site was holding its own competition and encouraging everyone to send in their best efforts before the deadline. So, not wanting to be spoilsports, we felt compelled to enter. (SPOILER ALERT: We didn’t win)
Our three submissions…